You'll have slower progression for one level compared to your other build but some nice synergys and you'll get much more out of Barbarian than just with a 1 level dip. Your feats then should probably look like this: It is much smarter to go out of initiator classes for two levels anyways. Start with 2 levels of Spirit Lion Totem Whirling Frenzy Wolf Totem Barbarian and go straight warblade afterwards. This gets you Imp Trip without needing combat expertise, and when you take Warblade 4, you will have an IL of 5, allowing you to take a level 3 stance with your second stance.Why not take it a step further? If you are starting third level you'll have some room to play around with.

If you're dipping Barbarian, go Wolf totem Barbarian 2. Rapid Counter if you want to go whole-hog on being an AoO machine.

well, Avalanche of Blades and Stormguard Warrior go really well together? Manticore Parry is an excellent candidate if you end up fighting a lot of armed opponents, but it's useless against claws and spells and is less useful when you're in Robilar mode. If you don't do that (because you find it cheesy to qualify for prereqs that way, or because you want to go dipless for Wrb 20), then, uh. Also, for 15k you can later buy a Crown of White Ravens style item to put a L4-L6 maneuver into one of your Swordsage slots, though I'm not sure any options are worth it. Or take the SwSa level at CL9, take one less TC maneuver, and take Pouncing Charge on top of everything else. One option is to take Hunter's Sense instead of the last TC maneuver, which opens you up to take something Swordsage-unique like Shadow Jaunt (which is probably trumped by magic items you can afford then) or Counter Charge (which can save your life). Also, you can keep Mind over Body readied in a Swordsage slot forever, which is a nice side bennie. Then, at Wrb 12/13 (CL14/15 for you) you have the prereqs necessary to swap Mountain Hammer for its Ancient cousin, AND take Swooping Dragon Strike. Somewhere prior to CL14, take a single level of Swordsage. well, you've already taken a level in Barbarian. White Raven Strike is no-save, and both of the Iron Heart options are sweet.Īs to what to do with your spare L7 maneuver. In your current plan, that opens up a level 4 maneuver, which has good options. Again, switching to a Tiger Claw focus doesn't seem to fit as well with my build.I'd take Wall of Blades over Emerald Razor any day. Same with Finishing Move, which I am replacing anyways with Strike of Perfect Clarity. Again, switching to a Tiger Claw focus doesn't seem to fit as well with my Do you have any suggestions for a replacement for Emerald Razor? I'm not adverse to switching it out at a later point if there is something in Iron Heart, Diamond Mind, or White Raven that would be a better replacement. The tripping portion of my build is because all the summoners aren't very experienced players so they may or may not be good at it, I'll have to see as the game That wouldn't be a bad idea but we've already played a few games and I've had improved trip since 1st Longarrow: Are there any other ways to get fear immunity without another level dip? Just asking because I'd lose out on a maneuver known and I rather like Mountain Tombstone Do you have any suggestions for a replacement for Emerald Razor? I'm not adverse to switching it out at a later point if there is something in Iron Heart, Diamond Mind, or White Raven that would be a better replacement. Thanks for the Wrath: Thanks! A total rework into the Tiger Claw Discipline would take a lot to do to be able to get the Pouncing Charge maneuver, I like the maneuver it's just I don't think Tiger Claw fits with what I'm building too well.